NAKAMUTA Kenji 中牟田 健児
1975年生まれ。福岡県在住。 2007年より「工房まる」に所属。 幼い頃から絵が好きで、家族がその才能を大事に見守ってきた。高校卒業後、およそ10年ほど絵を描くことから離れていたが、創作活動を再開するために、2007年より「工房まる」へ移籍した。主に墨一色の線画を描く。黙々と、〈自分の理想の絵〉をめざし描きつづけている。 Kenji Nakamuta was born in 1976 and lives in Fukuoka prefecture. He has been a member of ‘maru’ since 2007. He has enjoyed drawing since childhood with support of his family. For 10 years after finishing school he seldom put pen to paper, until 2007 when he joined the art center to resume his creative activities. His work is mainly in single color producing linear drawing using ink. He constantly strives to produce his ideal drawing.