About Able Art Company
Able Art Company was founded by three Japanese nonprofit organizations to create a work environment for artists with disabilities in April, 2007.
Able Art Company is an artist agency connecting those who are interested in using the artists’ artworks as a part of any other design works and advertisements with the artists. The artists who contact to the Able Art Company have been selected by open call for participation.
Able Art Company aims to propose that art expression created by people with disability enhance not only self-actualization and social participation, but also job opportunities and reasonable income.
Social background
One of the main reasons why Able Art Company was founded was closely linked to the enforcement of two new regulations in Japan- “Services and Support for Persons with disabilities Act” and “the Act for Promotion of Employment of Persons with disabilities” amended in 2006. Contrary to original expectation to solidify social infrastructure that people with disability can utilize their skills more in various workplaces, their employment opportunities have been still limited since then due to the narrow choices of occupational areas and job opportunities open for them.
Meanwhile, we have often heard people who had been involved together in promoting arts and cultural activities for person with disabilities from the 1990s saying, "We cannot produce the modest wage through art-related activities", "Art is going to end here since we cannot give the workers double pay according to the national plan set up by the government."
Also, some designers gave us feedback that although they wanted to use the artwork created by artists with disabilities, "We could not find where we should go.”, and artist with disability tend to say, “I have no ideas what to do in terms of contract and copyrights of my art works".
Based on these social backgrounds, the Able Art Company started as an artwork/artist agency with a mission to contribute to the society where artist with disabilities can receive job opportunities through their art creation, reflecting the both voices of artists and their artworks users.
What we do
Run Artworks images database
We run searchable artworks image database and manage business concerning copyrights of the artwork images created the registered artists who contracted to us. While protecting the copy rights of each artwork, we form an environment conductive to anyone who would like to use the images for another design works and advertisements in a wide range of applications.
Design and produce products
After the contract is signed, the artwork images can be utilized in various media and format including websites, publications, product / textiles/ interior design etc. The original products using artwork can also be possible.
Create custom artworks as per request
The artists will create custom artworks as per the customers’ request, if the customers do not find the suitable artworks in the image database but have specific request like, “I need an original artwork with ○○ motif for the anniversary.”
Plan and conduct workshops, events and grants programs
We co-planned various workshop and events including live painting and demonstration by artists, employee training, exchange meeting with artists. Also, we can set up new grant programs to support nonprofits according to the customer’s interests.
Terms and conditions
The art works of the Able Art Company Artists (drawings, illustrations, calligraphies, etc.) are available for your company advertisement, promotion tool, appearing on magazines, and published materials and so on.
Although we have our standard price settings, the prices are various range depends on your purpose. Please feel free to contact us via inquiry form with your plans about details and specifications. Exact price will be fixed upon meetings. Please use our contact form.
We lend-out a DVD, digital portfolio, with all of our art works at the time. Graphical images that you find on our Website are not showing all of our images. The DVD is lent upon your request. We need to know if you need the DVD for Macintosh or Windows. Needless to say, those graphical images on our Website and DVD are not copyright free. It is strictly prohibited to use without our permission and agreement.
We appreciate for your information if you already have specific plan, such as purpose of use, size of use, number of copies, durations, and so on. There are possibilities to require one to two weeks until you can start to use our service or the art works you requested was not for service in rare cases. It sometimes occurs because of the reason of purpose or sizes. We are deeply appreciated for your earlier inquiry in case you would use the art works partially, print full page over A4 size, or use the art works outdoor billboard.
Receiving of graphical image of art works you ordered is on digital data in general, and it is sent via our web server system or we send the CD-ROM via parcel delivery service. Please note that delivery cost is on cash on arrival basis and the costs vary depends on where we send to.
- 1.Extra charges will be asked when the necessity of use the image beyond the first agreement, such as reuse the same image to different purpose or multiple media uses.
- 2.Extra charges may occur for oversea use, and required another permission process. Our price setting is basically for use within Japan.