KURAMOTO Hiroshi 蔵本 裕士
1974年生まれ。千葉県在住。 1998年より「アトリエ・ポレポレ」に所属。 幼い頃から絵を描くのが好きだったが、就職してからは仕事に没頭し、しばらくの間描くことはなかった。1998年に「アトリエ・ポレポレ」への参加をきっかけに、月2回のアトリエにほとんど休みなく参加し、黙々と描きつづけている。好きな音楽をBGMに描かれる季節感あふれる作品は、独特のウィットとユーモアが効いている。 Hiroshi Kuramoto was born in 1974 and lives in Chiba prefecture. He has been a member of ‘Atelier Pole pole ’ since 1998. He loved to draw as a child. However, he rarely had time to draw because of his work commitments. Joining the art center has encouraged Hiroshi to draw again. He comes to the center twice a month, hardly misses a class and draws feverishly. He produces his work with the feeling of the seasons overflowing into his art. His work displays a distinct sense of wit and humor.