NAKAHARA Kentaro 中原 健太郎
1989年生まれ。長野県在住。 2歳頃から言葉で表現できないおもいを伝えるように、みたものや感じたものを絵で表現するようになり、本人にとって絵はなくてはならないものとなる。養護学校小学部4年の時、美術専攻の担任教諭のアドバイスもあり「油性ペンで線描し、水彩で色付けする」という画法を始める。海外の風景写真を好み、描きたくない建物は削除し、好きなものを描き足したりもしている。 Kentaro Nakahara was born in 1989, and lives in Nagano Prefecture. Kentaro started painting when he was two years old. Painting had become his most important and major activity to express what he sees and feels rather than words. His style of paintings ? lining with oil-pens and coloring with water colors ? was started at his 4th grade, with advisory by fine art teacher at school for disabled children. Kentaro bases his paintings on landscape photography of foreign countries, and his works often has his own adding objects what he likes and omitting what he is not interested in.