tomoko tomoko

1976年生まれ。東京都在住。 自分の可能性を模索中に、エイブルアート・カンパニーの存在を知り応募を決意。 日常生活の中で描きたいテーマを見つけてはメモに残し、自宅で音楽を聴きながら、その日の気分で描きたいものを描いている。 Tomoko was born in 1976 and lives in Tokyo. While searching her own potential Tomoko stumbled on the ‘Able Art Company’ and resolved to join the group. She is always on the lookout for ideas, taking copious notes before starting her drawing. She works from home playing her carefully chosen favorite music according to her mood and the piece she is working on.


tomoko tomoko

1976年生まれ。東京都在住。 自分の可能性を模索中に、エイブルアート・カンパニーの存在を知り応募を決意。 日常生活の中で描きたいテーマを見つけてはメモに残し、自宅で音楽を聴きながら、その日の気分で描きたいものを描いている。 Tomoko was born in 1976 and lives in Tokyo. While searching her own potential Tomoko stumbled on the ‘Able Art Company’ and resolved to join the group. She is always on the lookout for ideas, taking copious notes before starting her drawing. She works from home playing her carefully chosen favorite music according to her mood and the piece she is working on.




