INOUE Shingo 井上 新吾

1970年生まれ。石川県在住。 1990年より「はぎの郷」に所属。 描く題材は主に身のまわりの人物や動物。人物のときは、その人と過ごした体験、動物のときは、それに接した感動を丁寧に描く。注文を受けた題材については、そのモチーフについてずっと考え、ときには図鑑をもちだし、絵の中の世界が「息づいた」と感じた時に筆を取り、一気に描きあげる。 Shingo Inoue was born in 1970. He lives in Ishikawa prefecture and a member of ‘Haginosato’ since 1990. He mainly paints people and animals from his surrounding, focusing on the physical and emotional experiences of his subjects. Once he receives a request to paint a particular theme, he spends a great deal of time thinking and preparing until his thoughts can go on paper, at which point he will complete his work in one sitting.


税理士法人中山会計 卓上カレンダー(以後毎年)

©INOUE Shingo/AbleArtCompany

INOUE Shingo 井上 新吾

1970年生まれ。石川県在住。 1990年より「はぎの郷」に所属。 描く題材は主に身のまわりの人物や動物。人物のときは、その人と過ごした体験、動物のときは、それに接した感動を丁寧に描く。注文を受けた題材については、そのモチーフについてずっと考え、ときには図鑑をもちだし、絵の中の世界が「息づいた」と感じた時に筆を取り、一気に描きあげる。 Shingo Inoue was born in 1970. He lives in Ishikawa prefecture and a member of ‘Haginosato’ since 1990. He mainly paints people and animals from his surrounding, focusing on the physical and emotional experiences of his subjects. Once he receives a request to paint a particular theme, he spends a great deal of time thinking and preparing until his thoughts can go on paper, at which point he will complete his work in one sitting.

登録作品数 72
1 3 4




